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The Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) provides clear descriptions of the Essential Skills and work habits important for work, learning and life. Essential Skills are used in virtually all occupations and are transferable from school to work, job to job and sector to sector.
  • The OSP Database contains sample workplace tasks for 385 occupations. Tasks are grouped by Essential Skill and skill level. For each occupation there are links to the full NOC Occupational Description, -- which includes a list of example job titles, main duties and employment requirements for this occupation -- and the Occupational Language Analyses (OLA) which define the standard English and French language requirements of an occupation based on the tasks identified in occupation-specific Essential Skills Profiles.
  • The OSP Resource for Employment Ontario Programs includes an Action Plan for Job Seekers and a set of tips on how you can use the OSP to assess and build your Essential Skills and work habits and transfer them to a job or further education or training.